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Chairmans Report 2023

Chairman's Report 2023


It was pleasing that the 2023 season brought back some normality with the Covid pandemic now tragic history. It had meant the loss of several teams in the League but now numbers have grown a little.  A second Bewdley team entered the League in the 2023 season, and I am delighted to report that the Lakes group will be entering an extra team for 2024. So, providing there are no drop-outs the number of teams for next year will be 14.

This means that an even number of teams could be in each Division. At its recent meeting the Executive Committee (EC) decided that there should be seven teams in each Division. To balance numbers just one team will be relegated from Division 1 and the two top teams in Division 2 in the 2023 season will be promoted. To bring the Playing Rules up to date to allow for these changes the EC is proposing that Rule 7 is amended.

Competitions in the League as usual produced many entertaining performances. The most consistent team this year has been The Nomads who did the Double by being Champions of Division 1, where they only lost one League match and won The Mac Turner Team K/O by beating Lakes D in the Final. Congratulations to Nomads for such great achievements, but I look forward to some team to knock them off their pedestal in the 2024 season. I believe there are grounds to change the name of Alveley Royals to Alveley Houdinis as for the umpteenth time they narrowly escaped from relegation to Division 2.

Well done to Footloose, the jack-in the-box team who were Champions of Division 2 and not for the first time return to Division 1.  Providing there are 14 teams in the League next season runners -up Bewdley PC B will join them in going up to the First Division. The Pool system used for the Mac Turner team K/O competition went well and ensured that teams had a reasonable number of matches during the year. However, the EC is looking at what format to adopt for 2024 season, and will let teams know once decided.

Other K/O competition matches were keenly fought. In the Singles K/O history repeated itself with the two 2021 Finalists meeting each other again in the 2023 Final and having the same result. Well done to Adrian Voysey at becoming Singles K/O Champion again, and hard luck to Emma Francis in being the runner-up for the second time. Commendable determined efforts by the  Doubles Finalist losers in 2022, Roy Chapman and Glenn Faulkner who made the important one step up to take the Doubles Crown in 2023, beating Roger Seabury and Dee Hickin in the Final. Jolly good show, Ray & Sue Sanderson who with Brian Nash beat strong challengers Bob Hill, Rod Ricketts & Lisa Carter in the Triples K/O Final to become worthy Champions. In the mixed doubles Barbara Parkes Tournament Emma Francis and Paul Hunt showed their class by winning the Trophy for the second year running, so which team are going to beat them next year!? Just a mention about Mary Vickers who with Tony Voysey was runner – up in 2022, and then when Tony was unable to play was again a Finalist in 2023 but this time with David Voysey. It looks like she was carrying the Voyseys  to glory in their Tournament matches!  Dare I mention the Presidents Cup where the President’s team keeps on beating the Chairman’s team?

This brings me to heap praise on our dedicated members who serve on the Executive Committee. On this occasion I especially wish to mention admiration for our highly efficient Treasurer since 2012, and for some of the time  our Fixtures Secretary, Adrian Gordon-Smith. Unfortunately, in recent times Adrian has not been in the best of health, and has decided to stand down from the role as  we have a willing John Burns to assume the responsibilities of the League’s Treasurer. I am delighted to let you  know that your Executive Committee wish to award Adrian’s dedication and loyalty to the League by nominating him to be an Honorary Life Vice-President. 

Others in line for praise and recognition is the ever reliable Roy Chapman our highly respected Secretary since the year dot, and I look forward to him continuing in the role into the distant future.  To Adrian Voysey our youngster on the Committee who  besides being our IT guru looking after the League’s web site he is an effective Fixtures Secretary who is always seeking ways to improve match arrangements. To the ever-present Vice-Chairman Roger Seabury for his valued contribution to the  Committee, including his wide knowledge on boules playing rules. To John Burns for his investigations on issues on behalf of the Committee and of course to take on being our League’s Treasurer. Don’t forget the EC will always consider new volunteers on to the Executive Committee as new blood often brings new ideas.

Finally to all of our League players for their support as without you the League would not exist. 

David Voysey                                                                                                                                            
