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Chairmans Report 2022

Chairman's Report


With all the tight restrictions suffered under the Covid pandemic lifted, thankfully it has been possible to resume competitions in the League for the 2022 season. But first, sadly I have to refer to the passing of two of our long-time players. Johnny Hawkes, a lovely man, and a great player for Kinver Cons for donkey’s years who often frustrated his opponents with his accurate firing out of their boules. Then my good friend Kevin Letts, a player from the early days and a regular for Alveley Royals, although you had to watch him as at times he would get the state of play wrong, but always to his advantage!  Both these great supporters of our League are sorely missed.

Turning to competitions in 2022, it was so disappointing that due to Covid at the beginning of the season the League was reduced from 16 to 12 teams. Further cause for concern was the loss during the season of the Plough team due to lack of available players. The decision to continue with two divisions, each of six teams, together with a revised format for the Mac Turner Team K/O Competition that included an initial “round-robin” stage proved most successful.

In Division 1 of the League congratulations to the evergreen Kinver Cons who were champions once again with the runners-up yet another Kinver team, the Nomads. KRFC (Kidderminster Rugby Club) had a disappointing season but gallantly fought on although they now face relegation to Division 2. It was great to see the revival of the fortunes of Lakes C who on games difference in matches narrowly beat Footloose to win Division 2 Championship. The Oaks of Alveley struggled with many close matches but always being on the losing side, and finished bottom of Division 2. Well done to Lakes D who triumphed over Kinver Cons in the Final of the Mac Turner Team K/O Competition and were worthy K/O Champions.

It is always pleasing to see different players winning competitions. Congratulations to Steve Harper of Lakes D who defeated John Burns of the Nomads in the Final to become Champion of the Singles K/O Competition. In the Doubles K/O Adrian Voysey made up for his failure to retain his Singles K/O Championship he won in 2021, by winning with his Royals team partner Mark Cupitt , beating Roy Chapman and Glenn Faulkner of Kinver Cons in the Final.  The Triples K/O produced fresh Champions in a team from Lakes C. Well done to Tony Oliver, Luke Bow, and Ivan Southall, the elderly joker who kept us entertained.   Better luck next time to the Bewdley PC team of Bob Hill, Rod Ricketts and Matt Tyrrell, who were runners up. 

The Barbara Parkes Tournament run by the Alveley Petanque Club was a most enjoyable  days event with 14 mixed doubles teams taking part.  For the third time, Emma Frances, although on each occasion with a different partner, won the Tournament with her Nomads team mate Paul Hunt, overcoming Mary Vickers and Tony Voysey of Alveley Petanque Club in the Final. The President’s Cup was comfortably won by the President’s team against the Chairman’s team, but of course it was only because of the luck of the green! .Bewdley PC also held its Annual President’s Cup competition which was enjoyed by all who took part, especially the Bewdley PC team of Bob Hill, Rod Ricketts and Matt Tyrrell who came away with the trophy.

Looking forward to next season there are encouraging signs that possibly there could be 14 teams in the League instead of the current 11. Bewdley PC are proposing to enter a second team and there are rumours that Bewdley Institute and the Gaters will return. I sincerely hope that this is the beginning of more thriving times for the League, as acquiring new teams for the League has always been a struggle.

This brings me to praising our dedicated members serving over the years on our Executive Committee. The ever reliable Roy Chapman continues to do a sterling job as League Secretary, Adrian Gordon-Smith is a proven highly competent Treasurer, and Adrian Voysey using his IT expertise is now Fixtures Secretary as well as PRO. Not least has been the valued contributions from Roger Seabury our Vice-Chairman, and loyal member John Burns. Thanks also goes to Mark Cupitt for being our Auditor. We are always on the look-out for fresh faces on the EC, so don’t hesitate to volunteer to be on it.

Finally, last but not least many thanks to you all for your support as it is you who make the League such a successful sporting body.


David Voysey